Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Month 9

I haven't forgot about my resolutions!! 8/10 the last few months!

Although I have not said it out loud, it`s been in the back of my mind for a while. I think I have been afraid to utter the words because if I say it out loud or admit it because I just may loose it. To admit that I seem to have found what I have been looking for, I seem to be happy. Could it be after enduring loneliness, sadness, and after having fought so hard to love myself that I am finally granted peace. Finally at the end of arm is another, and with that connection so much more of me had come to light. Of course that is not the only reason I feel so content, it seems after admitting I was half-assing my way through life, not really living to my full potential and deciding I wanted to change that, that I was able to move forward. Taking the steps I needed, when I could, big or small has brought those things I wanted closer. 

I honour every part of my journey that has brought me this place. I know I have not arrived at my final destination, but for the first time I can see in the distance what may be. I feel my free spirit begin to settle, I am able to move beyond the past and the present, and the near future looks good.