Wednesday, February 13, 2019

When you think Tim McGraw, I hope you think of me

There are few people I have loved who are still in my life. The one who is, may be the one that truly got away. I think this is why I never did cut off all contact with him. No one loved me the way he did, and I have never loved anyone the way I loved him. Young and innocent, he picked up my broken heart and healed me. He came back for me time and time again, but I think true love scared me. Having to move scared me, but now facing the idea that I made the wrong choice scares me. But it was my choice, and I do have to live with it.

I don't have the right to try and give him my heart now, now when he is happy. I have done that before and taken it back so hastily. When my friends and family say we belong together, or they wish we would have worked, I sigh. I know we are not together because of me. I say I am happy for him, and of course I am, because I love him. I bite my tongue when he asks me how I am, I never tell him how much my family loves him when asks about them. So I answer and then put the phone away, fearing I'll spill my heart. What good would that do now? I wasn't ready at 17, 18, or again at 23. I should not have expected him to wait.

I'll send out the love I keep inside and hope it comes back to me in someone will love me the way he did, gentle and kind.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Dodged a bullet...

Or the very least an eternal thorn in my side.