Wednesday, July 15, 2020

I Fell & I Landed Safely in your Heart

There is falling in love, and then there is love.

Falling in love is exciting, it is a whirlwind of feelings that leave you feeling dizzy. But when the earth starts to steady how do you feel? Were you just passing time, or settling? My advice is don't ever settle, I waited so long to share my whole heart with someone and when the dizziness wore off I was left feeling surreal, for everything I truly wanted and more I now have.

Falling in love was easy, but this unconditional love feels natural. When I think of everything that has taken place to lead us to where we are today, I am thankful for every moment, every wrong turn or failed love. I don't wonder what if, but see our future so clearly and know this was always meant to be. From morning coffee, to evening swims and everything else in between, my heart is so full and content. I can't wait to build our life together.