Friday, May 28, 2010
The power you're supplying, it's Electrifying!
I'm sure in grade school we have all the the story of how Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity by flying a kit with a key. When asked about his success he said it was a process of making many mistakes before finding the answer. I like this theory, I mean he didn't give up after a few unsuccessful attempts, one or two failures. He kept on trucking, and I'd say it was worth it, otherwise I would be smoke-signaling this blog to you.
Obviously I am going to use this as a metaphor for love. I think it's true, to end up with something great, something actually worth it you have to make all those mistakes first. They were like pit stops, practice runs, so when the real thing came along you are ready. You know what I mean, when you are with someone and even though you try so hard to make it work, you are not really sure why. You know this one isn't the one, so knowing this is just a fork in the road you should just keep moving, unto what is suppose to be. Even if you are still suppose to make a few more mistakes.
So cheers to my mistakes, favorites or otherwise. Hopefully I'll only make a few more. Until then,
The Hopeless Romantic xox
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Everything is falling into place, life is great, the sun is shining and I've never felt so good. This is the time in my life when I assumed everything else would fall into place. I always imagined this period in my life and assumed I would find someone to make everything complete. Of course now I know I don't need someone to do that, I just wouldn't mind. Now even though I've always known what I wanted and rarely went for it, I'm not so sure that is what I want anymore, or even sure of what I want at all. I can't seem to make up my mind these days. Perhaps these are the days to just live, and let things happen. Enjoy the good things that are going on. And even though I am saying now I am not sure what I want, I think deep down there always a spot for exactly what I want, and I hope I don't settle before I find it.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
You're the one that I want?
How long is it acceptable to hang on to the ones that got away. The few that were great and amazing. The people to whom we draw up our standards too. Even if you think you have forgotten or gotten over them they can suddenly just make an appearance or just remind you that hey, you loved me and don't you forget it. (Whether those are their intentions are not)What about the ones that almost measure up? Should we give them a chance and end up with them even though they may never make us feel the way those few special ones did? Should we wait until we find a new special someone, someone who gives you butterflies and makes you feel alive? Is it acceptable to let them come back into our lives, uninvited and unexpected, everyone likes surprises after all right? Or maybe someone else isn't suppose to make us feel that way. After all everyone is different, how can someone else make you feel that way? Whatever the answers all to these many questions things will happen as they will, best to just go with the flow I suppose.
Until next time,
The Hopeless Romantic xox
Until next time,
The Hopeless Romantic xox
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Boom Boom ain't it great to be crazy?
So, do you all remember how I gave up being boy crazy for lent? It went really well, I felt bad for the guy I tried dating during that time, but still it went extremely well. However... here comes the backlash. Those forty days of ignoring who I really am, a boy-crazy hopeless romantic has had its consequences. It's like I can't get enough, everyone is cute. As someone who was convinced they couldn't flirt, I was wrong, I might even be a little forward. But I'm sure this too will pass and I'll just be my regular hopeless self soon and not in an overdrive boy-crazed state. Like I always though, no regrets and learn from everything, I haven't found the lesson in this quite yet, but I'm sure I will.
The Hopeless Romantic xox
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Hello Karma, I've been expecting you
So you figure out what you want, where you are going. You are on your path in life. Sometimes I think wow, this is really happening, which seems strange considering the detours and wrong turns I have taken.
Do you ever look back on your life and think, did that really happen? Did I really know all those people so well at that point? At certain points in my life it doesn't really seem like that was actually me, not the person I am, or at least who I've become. Are there just different "me"'s from different era's of my life? Is this just another version or stage of who I will eventually be? When do you stop growing and changing, because if we don't then we will never be the same "Me". Sure you still have the same underlying characteristics and niches that make the essence of who you are, but always learning and experiencing will you ever really arrive at your true self? Perhaps just different versions of true selves.
What about turning points when you feel like you have reached your goals or are very close to it, if you keep changing and growing will you become more satisfied or will it lead you to another path or road? When you feel like you have enough or at least good ground work for the achievable perhaps it is time to go for other things. Now that you are satisfied maybe it's time to pick up in the exciting aspects of life, like looking for someone special.
Now however, when you feel you are ready I think the old rule applies, stand for something or you will fall for anything. I think it's almost more dangerous to let yourself fall when yo feel you have everything else going for you. Since you feel everything else is going well you'll assume this will too. You might give it all away to the first person who seems good when things are going good. Perhaps it is safer to fall when you are in a more cautious state, unsure about other aspects of your life might make you more yielding about who you give your heart to.
However, being hopeless as I am I say in the case of everything being in order and things are going great maybe just leave things in the hand of Karma, maybe it's your time to shine and let all the good things come to you. So what if he isn't the one, a few broken hearts will just make the right one more worth it. Plant Lavender for Luck, and fall in love every chance you get. Your former selves may not have gotten it right, and your future selves may not either, but at least at the arrival of who you are going to be you'll have some good stories under your belt.
Until then,
The Hopeless Romantic xox
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