Friday, May 28, 2010

The power you're supplying, it's Electrifying!

I'm sure in grade school we have all the the story of how Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity by flying a kit with a key. When asked about his success he said it was a process of making many mistakes before finding the answer. I like this theory, I mean he didn't give up after a few unsuccessful attempts, one or two failures. He kept on trucking, and I'd say it was worth it, otherwise I would be smoke-signaling this blog to you.
Obviously I am going to use this as a metaphor for love. I think it's true, to end up with something great, something actually worth it you have to make all those mistakes first. They were like pit stops, practice runs, so when the real thing came along you are ready. You know what I mean, when you are with someone and even though you try so hard to make it work, you are not really sure why. You know this one isn't the one, so knowing this is just a fork in the road you should just keep moving, unto what is suppose to be. Even if you are still suppose to make a few more mistakes.
So cheers to my mistakes, favorites or otherwise. Hopefully I'll only make a few more. Until then,
The Hopeless Romantic xox

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