Saturday, August 21, 2010

Still Hopeless as ever.....

I've found myself saying lately that I have been single for so long that I know exactly what I want, that I would never stand for anyone telling what or what not to do. That I now have the liberty of choosing who I end up with, not the victim of folly. Maybe this is why I am still single. And do I really mean the words coming out of my mouth? I think not. I think it's just so people don't feel sorry for poor me, the endless bridesmaid, the single friend, the one who only allows embraces after a good (or cheap) bottle of red. Mostly I am happy, things are going pretty great these days, but once in a blue moon I want to say "forget what I want", because what I want is to be held. How do I really know what I want anyways? Deep down I just want to feel appreciated, wooed, held. I want someone to answer to, to care about my day,my friends, and my life. So maybe I'll give up my standards for awhile, what I want and what I am looking for. I'll embrace fate and let what will be just be. Que Sera, Sera! If fate wants to speed things up however, that would be great as well. Until then,
The Hopeless Romantic xox

Monday, August 16, 2010

The rule is don't you ever even talk about forever but you never say never ♪♫

Those of you who read this (all three of you :p) may not know the cynical side of me, mostly because all I talk about is love and what I want. However, there is what I am afraid of well. Unrequited love, broken hearts, tears. I always say everything is a lesson and jump right in, but really I am terrified no one will catch me, and it will just be another failed attempt on my part. Although I suppose you could say every failure is just a step towards success. But I don't always have that optimistic outlook. Hence my cynicism. Those who know good and see me everyday and know about my weekend adventures and know the rules. No cuddling, no sleepover, and no promises. People think I say this because it's truly what I want, but I say it because it's my safety net, my way of not getting hurt. No soft caresses and smiles in the morning help fend off falling for you. It's dangerous territory and I'm afraid. I suppose rules are meant to be broken, I just hope my heart isn't.
The Hopeless Romantic xox

Friday, August 13, 2010

How do I love thee?

Whenever people talk about great and true love they always include that there were challenges, up and downs. When your love is real you work those things out, compromise, become stronger in the end. However, do we really know how to love well? It is such a strong emotion, are we sure we know how to control it? I think we are just learning to love. As humans, we started out with a mission to procreate and survive, the instinct just to live. Then came arranged marriages, and marriages to ensure money and family nobility. In those times only the poor were lucky enough to marry for love, which was tested by poverty and mouths to feed, and once again survival. However now we have a choice in our mates, a choice if we want to raise families, our even keep our spouses for a lifetime. Perhaps people did have it right before, making it work and staying for the long haul, perhaps not though. Did they really love each other to stay together until the end, or was it just oppression of their religions and families. I of course want to believe that you can find someone and love them until the end of time, but is that possible for everyone? Do we maybe give up to easily when we have a bump in the road that causes us to stop our journey? When will you know who is worth it? I’d like to think that gut feeling will just present itself and you know. Whether or not we truly know how to love I am sure as hell am going to try, every chance I get, learn from my mistakes and hopefully my journey will end at the right one, with a whole new journey to follow.