Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Defense Mechanism

As romantic and I try to be, or imagine I am I can really be quite cynical. On the outside that is. I'm famous for saying that I don't believe in boyfriends, and that I don't do cuddles or sleepovers. Truth being spooning is much more intimate than forking, and can lead to real feelings. Real feelings leading to heart break which lead eventually to my all time rebound man, Mr. Jack Daniels. Now what that leads to isn't pretty. In all seriousness though I am more of an all talk kinda girl. Words are my weapons of choice and not actions. I say I am optimistic and ready to fall when the chance presents itself, however then I remember the crash that comes after the fall, and second guess my willingness to be spontaneous, my desire to leap. Not knowing for damn sure if someone is going to catch you and even hold on after is kind of scary. Am I that fearless? Is not getting caught so bad? Maybe how I remember things isn't really that terrible after all. Sometimes I even wonder if the good was that great. I guess if I keep holding back I'll never know, and although I would like to make sure I guess you can't really so you should just leap. (There I go all talk again) Either way, I think my heart has a feel more walls around it than I thought, and that perhaps I should wait for something really special to knock them down.
The Hopeless Romantic, xo

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