Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lessons learned

As I have stated in my blog name that this is about :"Lessons learned and so obviously not learned". It seems lately it is the learning, and using those lessons learned that is the more dominant of the two. When it comes to something I would normally do, for example, jumping to conclusions, I find myself mind reeling back and pausing to reflect if that is good choice or not. Like when I meet someone and talk, and smile and keep in touch sometimes by that point I have envisioned what it would be like to be with that person, ext. OK, sometimes I still do a little but in the back of my mind I am telling myself that it is a silly notion and I shouldn't do that. That inner voice is there, and I am listening! Because I remember doing that so many times before, and in the end you are more disappointed with not having the things you envisioned rather than what was really there.
Now lessons not learned. Wouldn't it just be easier to just be foolish. Believe every word, and get carried away. This is almost as bad as dieting, which I am not very good at either. But it takes work being good! It is easier to be bad and irresponsible!! But I cannot let myself be flattered so easily which usually results in me ready to give everything into something that might not really be what I think it to be. I can't forget everything about a person because they can make me smile. Well I could, but I sure as hell shouldn't. Otherwise all my broken hearts, whether self induced or not, will have been in vain. I want the next time to be amazing, to be worth all this waiting. I just need to be strong, and keep an arms distance until I know it is someone worth opening them for an embrace.
Until then,
The Hopeless Romantic

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