Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Knock Three Times

If I loved you and lost you there is a good chance you are not still in my life. But those ones who touched my life so deeply and for a short time are the loves that I hold dear. How easy it is to imagine what could have been instead of remembering what really happened. How wonderful it is to imagine a life together because you have not actually lived it. If we had I would not hold those few others in such high esteem I think, for real life would have got us. Because really, I am who I am, and the love I have to give I am sure in the end will end up with a particular heart, one suited for all I have to give.

There are pieces of me even those I truly loved have never experienced, because those pieces will remain dormant until I know my heart finds its forever home. Lately I feel like it has been knocking though, checking to see where it might fit. I am excited to see where this journey goes, and this point in my life I am really yearning to share it.

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