- A mythical bird of great beauty fabled to have lived 500-600 hundred years ago in the Arabian Wilderness. It would burn itself on a funeral pyre, and rise from its ashes in the freshness of young and live through another cycle of years. Often an emblem of immortality or of reborn idealism or hope.
- A person that has become renewed or restored after suffering calamity or apparent annihilation
I like this is a metaphor. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, no matter how many times I burn it down, I still need to rise. I need to find a way to do this so I come out refreshed and restored, not begrudging the fact that I need to start over again. I need an adjustment on my outlook, I always feel I am weighing the negatives of every situation, and letting bad first impressions be cemented. This will not do, I need a mindset that is open to growth, or this small town's small mind will swallow me whole. I need to rise and not worry about how long it will be until my next crash. I am looking to break the cycle and find more balance.
I can feel my out look changing with the seasons, as my favorite time of year is approaching. I want to carry the joy of the seasons with me from one into the next. Rise without having weights pulling me down, for I am sick of the view from down here. It's time to not only survive, but thrive in the process. If I end up having to rise from the ashes againat some point again then I will, more renewed and hopeful than the last time.
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