Monday, April 18, 2016

100 Happy Days - Round 4

Well, I don't always admit it, but other people besides myself were right... It hadnt' hit me yet, but here it is. The shock has worn off and reality has set it. I feel a little like I have phantom limb syndrome. Mostly I just feel anxious for this pain to be gone and wonder what's next? Now that was expecting will not be happening, what will?
In the wise words of a friend "being an adult sucks, awful things happen and you still have to go to fucking work". How true! Even if Fleetwood Mac is on three radio stations and you burst into tears wondering if it's a sign or the universe is just playing a sick joke... Too bad 9am is here and work starts
Just when I wanted to take a sick day and crawl under the covers and feel sorry for myself, absolutely everyone was sick, so no such luck. It's like the universe knew sulking was a bad idea and threw a crazy wild day in day in way, I was thankful for the distraction. I can't crawl under the covers now... I may stay under too long. Why slash the other three tires just because you got a flat, right? Upwards and onwards.

I think it's time for another "100 Happy Days Challenge". Round 4!  Day 1 - Fresh homemade ciabatta! #100happydays #day1 #homemade

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