Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Thank You

As the days continue on I find the disbelief has faded away, as has the pain. As the days keep going the less and less I can picture us together, and the more I feel like myself. I am thankful you were brave enough to do what I never would have done. Brave enough to end something that was not serving us a purpose anymore.

I hope you know how much there is that I am thankful for. Thankful you came into my life like a whirlwind and knocked down my walls. Thankful you loved me, even if just for a short while. You showed me I can be with someone and be good at it, and at the end of the day that is what I really want. You gave me a taste of that and now I know this heart was meant for loving. You made me feel beautiful and confident, you pushed me to the best that I could be. I am just getting started, you may not like that the best person I can be does not fit into your vision but I am still thankful for her, because now I can build my own vision. This may not have worked, but know I am still thankful.

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